Book Review: Nettle & Bone

A fairy tale for adults, T. Kingfisher takes us on quite the adventure in Nettle & Bone. It’s dark, whimsical, compelling, and a little unnerving, all at once… and I loved nearly every moment!


At the heart of the tale is Marra, a shy and unconventional princess who finds herself thrust into a journey of self-discovery and courage. Unlike the typical fairy tale heroine, Marra is not a warrior or a sorceress, but rather a woman of quiet strength and determination. Raised in a convent and overlooked by her family, Marra's journey begins when she sets out to rescue her sister from an abusive marriage, armed only with her wits and a determination to defy fate. She goes on this journey, collecting odd companions along the way, and ultimately must do whatever it takes to save her sister.


Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher offers a refreshing twist on traditional narratives, blending humor, darkness, and adventure into a captivating story that kept me turning pages from start to finish, if only to figure out what the hell was going on. Bone dogs? Demon chickens? Magical moths? Creepy, possibly-homicidal marionettes?

What sets Nettle & Bone apart is its richly drawn characters and its ability to subvert traditional tropes with wit and humor. Marra, with her pragmatic approach to life and her endearing vulnerability, is a heroine readers will root for from the very first page. Accompanied by her faithful companion, Bonedog, and an eclectic group of allies including a disgraced knight and a fairy godmother, we get to join Marra on the adventure.

For me, one of the highlights of the novel is Kingfisher's masterful use of language. Every sentence is crafted with precision and care, making this deeply fantastical world feel real. From strange portals in forests to the terrifying tunnels beneath the castle, the setting of Nettle & Bone is vividly rendered, without falling into the trap of info-dumping or clunky world building. We learn about the world as we’re experiencing it alongside Marra and her group, which makes it all the more impactful.

But it is the humor woven throughout the narrative that truly sets this book apart. Kingfisher's dry wit and clever dialogue provide moments of levity amidst the darkness, offering us moments of absurdist escape in this world where it does tend to get a little heavy.


4/5 stars

At its core, Nettle & Bone is a story about resilience, friendship, and the power of perseverance in the face of adversity, which is always a great foundation. With its unforgettable characters, expert prose, and unexpected twists, this is a fairy tale for the modern age—a tale of hope and resilience. There were moments where the pacing felt slower than is my personal preference, and there were several times where I was left scratching my head, but that never kept me from continuing on. In fact, that confusion and desire to figure it out may have inspired me to read more. It’s not a book for everyone, and I can acknowledge that. However, I think everyone should at least give it a try. The writing is stunning, and in the end I walked away fully entertained and satisfied.

Happy reading!


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