Just a Quick Life Update

COVID hit our house hard earlier this month, and after nearly 3 weeks of acute symptoms, I’m finally coming out of it. As it’s literally the last day of September, it feels like I lost a month, but such is life.

Aside from receiving and reviewing a manuscript critique from a fantastic editor, I’ve done very little in the way of writing this month. I’ve only completed around 36k words on the rewrite of TMC Book 1. That sounds like a lot, and I’m certainly happy with the number overall, all things considered, but the goal was 50k for September. Since I don’t see myself completing another 14k today, it’s safe to say I didn’t accomplish my goal. I have absolutely zero criticism for myself over it, though. Quite frankly, I’m downright proud of myself for that number, given the fact that I literally couldn’t move without assistance for a week.

The last time I was this sick was early 2020, during the first COVID wave. I caught it early, before our state even knew what it was. The announcements came a week into it, and it finally made sense of just how sick we were. I’ve had COVID twice in the years since then (that we know of), but this month, I was just as sick as the first time. Probably worse. My 101-104 fever hung around for well over a week, and even now, 3 weeks since my first symptoms, my cough and headache haven’t gone. I’ve regained some of my muscle strength, and the aches, shakiness, sweats, chills, and chest pain are finally better. To even be typing this blog post right now is a massive sign that I’m on the mend, as I couldn’t even string thoughts together or look at a screen for nearly 2 weeks.

So, I’ll be easing back into my work over the coming weeks. But I also want to spend some quality time with my kids, since we missed out on a lot of that this past month. It’ll be a slow re-entry into life, because I know myself and my body, and I need to pace myself if I want to be able to sustain this recovery. And I’m crossing all my fingers and toes that long COVID doesn’t wreak as much havoc on me this time around.

I’ll be seeing a new doctor next month since I had to cancel my appointments while I was sick, so that’s something to look forward to, I guess. Given all my medical issues over the years, I’ve really gotten to the point where I dread having to go to the doctor for literally anything. But, establishing with a new doctor can be especially challenging for me. So I’m trying to come at it with a positive attitude, even though it brings me a lot of stress and anxiety. I’m hoping she can help me with these perimenopause symptoms I’ve been experiencing since last year, or refer me to someone who can.

How’s that for a super-exciting life update? LOL, hopefully next month I’ll have something more fun to report. Until then, I hope your September was better than mine, and I hope October brings blessings to us all. Take care!


Writing Tip: Balance Action and Reflection