Why I Write Fantasy

I’ve been asked several times about why I choose to write fantasy now, when I used to write primarily poetry and literary fiction. I do still write in a more literary style for some of my projects, but I’ve definitely been drawn to the fantasy genre. While I may still be primarily in the upmarket space, it’s definitely upmarket fantasy. I want to talk some about why I’ve opted to infuse my stories with a bit of magic.

I love imagining every possibility.

At the heart of fantasy writing is the freedom to let imagination soar. In these worlds—whether they’re truly fantastical or rooted in the real one, but with magical elements—the rules of reality can be bent, and the mundane transformed into the extraordinary. Writing fantasy allows me to unleash the full force of my imagination, creating worlds where magic is real, and the impossible becomes possible.

I love tackling challenging topics in a palatable way.

Fantasy has this remarkable ability to act as a subtle yet powerful lens through which complex or polarizing topics can be approached. By weaving these themes into fantastical narratives, we’re all more receptive to exploring intricate issues. The allegorical nature of fantasy provides a comfortable distance, making it easier for us to engage with and reflect on real-world complexities.

I love less restraints and more exploration.

Reality can be demanding and restrictive. Fantasy, on the other hand, is boundless. It allows me to escape the confines of the everyday and venture into uncharted territories. Whether it's traveling via extraordinary means, exploring future worlds, or discovering magical power, fantasy provides an escape that is liberating.

I love creating symbolic worlds.

Fantasy worlds offer a canvas for symbolism and metaphor. By crafting unique realms, or by altering the one we already occupy, I can infuse deeper layers of meaning into the narrative. Whether exploring social issues, personal growth, or existential questions, fantasy allows for a rich inclusion of symbols and allegories that resonate with us on multiple levels… while having a great time!

I love connecting with universal themes.

Despite the magical veneer, fantasy often taps into universal themes that transcend time and place. Love, friendship, courage, and the eternal struggle between good and evil are recurring motifs in fantasy. Through these themes, fantasy becomes a conduit for exploring the timeless aspects of the human experience.

I love wonder.

Fantasy writing enables me to capture and convey the sense of wonder that often fades with age. It allows us to rediscover the awe and excitement of encountering the unknown. Whether it's the discovery of a hidden realm or the unveiling of ancient prophecies, fantasy rekindles the flame of curiosity within us. Science literally shows that we lose this ability over time if not exercised regularly, so really, I’m just doing my civic duty to improve the lives of mankind. Or I like to tell myself that, anyhow.

I love fostering creativity and innovation.

Writing within the fantasy genre fosters creativity not only in the literal story itself, but in the way it gently pushes our minds to open up to additional ideas… and not just for me as the writer! From inventing new magical systems to designing intricate cultures and landscapes, fantasy pushes me to think outside the box. And by reading it, people start to work those creativity muscles, too. This creative process spills over into other aspects of life, encouraging innovation and a willingness to explore the unexplored. So cool.

Writing fantasy is not just an indulgence in escapism; it's a deliberate choice to weave dreams into reality. The genre offers a boundless playground where imagination reigns supreme, complex themes find expression, and readers embark on journeys that transcend the ordinary. Through fantasy, I hope to transport readers to realms where magic and reality coexist, and the power of storytelling unlocks doors to infinite possibilities.

Happy dreaming!


Writing Update: Querying #2


Writing Update: Querying