Writing Update: Querying #2

The plan is to do an update every Monday, so…

Here we go!

Querying is definitely a rollercoaster, and I’m only in the very early stages.

Since last week’s update, I’ve received 3 more responses, which makes 6 in total. Not bad for 10 days of querying… I didn’t expect to get such quick responses, but I’m definitely grateful for it. I’m not over here refreshing my email or anything, so it feels really fast! I will admit, though, it’s gotten to where my breath catches a little bit anytime I get an email notification.

In any event, there’s good news and bad news. We’ll start with the bad first. (It feels strange calling it bad news, because honestly, it’s not bad. It just is what it is.)


  • I mused in my last update that my lack of grief might change once I heard back from one of my top agents/agencies, and that’s certainly proved itself to be accurate, though my grief still feels like it’s fully rooted in understanding this is just the process. So, it’s been sad, but I get it.

  • I received a rejection from one of my top agents, and it hurt. Her message was so kind, and it’s clear that she is thoughtful, even in the way she responds in her rejection form. You’d think that would make it better, but it actually made me even more bummed that I don’t get to work with her on this project! I really think it would have been a great experience, but unfortunately she’s got a packed list and my book just didn’t grab her interest.

  • Although the other rejection wasn’t necessarily by one of my top agents, they were at one of my top agencies, so it also stung. I didn’t know much about the agent aside from the research I did on their website and an interview I watched (which was awesome), but they seemed like a great fit for me and this project, so my hopes were high.

  • I’m doing alright with the rejection. These ones hurt more than the others, and I won’t lie about that or deny myself the right to feel it and acknowledge it. Still, I’m optimistic overall, and I know my books and I will end up with the agent that’s right for us.


  • Perhaps even more than my surprise over my feelings regarding rejection, I was caught totally off guard by how I reacted when I received a request for my full manuscript… I cried. A lot. I did not expect that!

  • I figured it would feel like an important milestone, but apparently I underestimated just how much I want this. Getting that email, saying that they were interested in my book and were looking forward to reading it, is something I can’t even adequately describe. I know, I’m a writer, so words are my thing, but in this instance there was just so much emotion flowing that it’s difficult to express externally.

  • Part of what surprised me so much, I think, is the fact that this agent was one of my long shot queries. I absolutely connected with everything I found on them through my research, so when their list said they were looking for fantasy, I knew I wanted to query. The thing is, their agency website shows that they primarily represent children and young adult literature. I am neither of those. Despite this, I trusted their list and decided to shoot my shot, fully expecting a rejection.

  • I still find myself fearful that they accidentally requested. Their focus is so clearly outside of what I write (adult upmarket fantasy), but I have to trust them. My query clearly states that this is an adult novel with a 42-year-old protagonist, so if they’ve requested, it must mean they’re interested. I sent my manuscript, and now I’m waiting to hear back.

  • I did treat myself by going out and getting a frozen coffee to celebrate! Celebrating my victories—however big or small they may be—is a part of this season of my life, and this definitely felt like it deserved a tasty treat.


It’s still fun to fill in my spreadsheet, even though it’s been primarily with rejection letters. That surprise full request made my entire day, and honestly got me through a tough weekend where I was dealing with some difficult personal things. Whether I get to work with them or not, I’m grateful for the experience, and for the boost it gave me to get that email. Now that my physical health has improved, I’m back to working on my main WIP, and I’m going to stay focused on moving forward. Hopefully I have more good news to share next week.

Like last time, I welcome any and all well wishes and luck! And if you’re a fellow author out there querying right now, my thoughts are with you. You’ve got this!

Today’s date: February 12th, 2024


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