Writing Update: Querying #10

It’s mostly quiet on the querying front since I stopped sending out batches back in April/May. I’ve sent a handful here and there thanks to pitch events on Twitter/X and posts from agents on that same platform, but in general I’m not actively querying WSD right now. I’ve resubmitted my manuscript to the agent who requested the R&R and I’ve been focused on other projects while I wait.

It’s been summer break, which means no school and more family time. As such, I’ve taken the time to slow down a bit on the querying front. That doesn’t mean I’ve slowed down on the rest, though. I’ve been actively revising old projects to see if I want to possibly query those in the future (if WSD doesn’t earn me an offer of representation from the remaining fulls that are out). I’ve also been brainstorming new projects that won’t leave me alone. TMC #1 is out to beta readers again, so hopefully I’ll be able to really polish up the story once that feedback is in.

But that’s not what we’re here for! Let’s discuss where I’m at with querying WSD.


  • I have received 8 rejections since last update


  • I have received 1 full request since last update.


  • I resubmitted the R&R and am now waiting to hear back

That’s lot of rejections…

I know it looks like a lot, but thankfully it doesn’t feel like a lot. I’m sure that’s partially because they were spaced out and some of them were weeks ago. But really, it’s because 5 of those were ones I withdrew. It counts as a rejection in the stats on Query Tracker, so I include them in my own spreadsheet the same way for consistency.

How am I feeling?

I’ve been querying for less time than many authors, and have sent fewer queries as well. I’ve queried more agents than I originally planned to, but I feel good about it because every single agent I queried was one I researched and truly felt could be a good fit, both for me and for my work. So, despite the lull in responses right now, I feel pretty good. I’ve become far more particular about the agents I’m sending to at this point, so batch querying has been over since April/May. Now, I’m only querying one or two here and there, and only if there’s a very specific reason to do so. Out of the last 10 queries I’ve sent, 6 were due to their engagement with my pitch posts during pitch contests the first week of July. Of the remaining 4 queries, 3 were to agents who posted something very specific on X/Twitter that led me to believe they may be interested, and 1 was because I enjoyed their interview on a podcast and later discovered their MSWL basically described my book to the letter.

Obviously, I’d love to hear back from the remaining 3 agents with my query, and the remaining 2 with my full manuscript. But I’m really settled in for the long haul, so I’m not feeling impatience over it. I’ll get that agent offer when it’s right.


I remember writing way back in February that—at some point—I expected to feel the overwhelming anxiety and discouragement so common in querying authors. But I also was okay with the fact that I hadn’t yet. I’m surprised to say that it still hasn’t hit. Back then, I thought it was due to the way I tend to have delayed processing when it comes to my emotions, but now I’m not so sure. I think my anxiety has just decided to leave me alone on this one, and I’m grateful for it! So, I think I’ll continue on as I have been these past couple months: querying one agent at a time if I have specific reason to. And otherwise, I’ll just keep writing and revising other projects.

Thanks to those of you who have been keeping up to date on my journey and supporting me through these past 5 months! Hopefully one day soon I’ll have happy news to share. Until then, just know I truly appreciate the encouragment.

Today’s date: July 24th, 2024


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